Tuesday, July 26, 2011

The Jagged Edge

So I fell asleep last night and the strangest thing happened. I woke up somewhere else. I know what you are thinking, stupid sleepwalker, go to a clinic. Well screw you buddy, what do you know. Why don't you go to a clinic and have someone help you with your being an asshole. If you aren't in fact an asshole, and have stuck around then I'm sorry. After you've read my story here you'll probably understand a little better.
Anyway, back to what I was saying. So I woke up somewhere lese. I don't mean I had a nice night of sleep, I mean I remember drifting off, and then suddenly I'm awake somewhere else. Now I'm not talking about some nice Narnia like place. No lions and half goat people offering me tea. Just a couple of crack whores looking at me wondering if I have enough money to take them to a room so they can exchange infected bodily fluids with me.
It was dark, so I assumed it was night, but the amount of bustling activity on the street made me wonder. It was like a busy New York morning, not like midnight, which is what is looked like based on the lighting. It was warm too, too warm for New York, but too many buildings for some place like Phoenix. On top of that, every person I asked the simple question of "where the hell am I?" just ignored me or laughed at me.
I ran across this giant statue after I walked a few blocks. The statue itself was nearly two stories tall, and was probably the only thing that made me think cheesy fantasy movie. There in front of me stood what looked like a huge half bull, half dragon, made of stone. Giant gray wings rose from its back and whip was in its hand, wrapped around its wrist, and suspended in stone in the air in front of it. Honestly, all I could think was, "Okay...where is Gandalf."
I walked a bit further an noticed that one of the needle pushers from the alley I woke up in was following me. I turned, and he rushed me. He grabbed me by the collar, and hissed at me, almost like a snake.
"Wheresss my moneeey..."
Seriously. Back off Voldemort. "What money?" I don't remember having any kind of an exchange with this guy.
"You sssslept in miyyy alleeey..."
Come on man. Harry Potter wants his villian back. "Did I forget to pay rent," I joked.
"Daaamn sssstraight..."
Then suddenly: shiny knife in the air, reflection of his angry blue eyes against the blade, and a twinge of pain. I hit the ground. I didn't even see it coming.
Then I woke up. Blood on my bed, knife wound, and quite a bit of pain.
I'll let you know how it turns out.

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